This blog was created for all our family and friends who want to follow us on our travels.

Our next trip is to the USA - and we'll be doing a 5 week trip to: (in order): San Francisco, Las Vegas, Seattle/Redmond, Washington D.C., Tampa, FL, New York City, Phoenix, AZ and Honolulu, Hawaii.

As you can see, that's a fair number of places to travel to in five weeks!

And of course, since Yumi and I are budding photographers - we'll be taking lots of photos along the way - and the best place to read about our travels, and see our photos - is right here.

Click Here to See More Photos of the USA!

Friday, September 14, 2007

We're in London!

Big Ben
Originally uploaded by radix999
So here's a quick catch up as we haven't had time to write up anything about our lovely trip in Bagneres-de-Biggore yet or sort out the photos (of which I got some awesome ones too).

But in order to keep you guys up to date of where we are - yes, we're in London. We arrived late Tuesday night, and we've spent the last couple of days exploring the city of London as much as we could - so much so that our feet are sore and I'm far too tired to write up much more than this for the moment.
We're here until next Saturday - so we have about 8 days left of our trip before we start heading back home!

Rest assured - we will be posting more photos soon - so stay tuned!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey ya! Have u 2 start counting down to come back yet?

Nice photos! How I wish I get to go back there again. Take more photos, is free!!! Hehehe